txtSearchTerm.text = "All"
Then I have an imagebutton, when its clicked I want to redirect to a page based on the value of that textbox.
So in my imagebutton click event I have
Response.Redirect("auctions.aspx?search=" + txtSearchTerm.text)
My problem is this text is always "All", even when the user changes the value of the textbox
Help !
put you initialize in !IsPostBack
or you can set the default value in the form .aspx file use Text="ALL"
zeroxp kind of touch it a little, but i want to add something to his reply.
whenever a client click on a button on your webform, asp.net actually will reload itself, then process the Button1_Click event. Therefore, if you want to do something when the page is load, but not everytime it refrashes, use if (!IsPostBack){} or in vb.net: if page.ispostback = false then .
Just want to remind all people out there who maybe thinking this is a bug.. no it isn't... just the way asp.net webform was designed.
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